In observance of Menstrual Hygiene Day, FAWOI joined the international community in a week of activities dedicated to elevating awareness, community engagement, and support for women and girls of menstruating age.
In unison with the global call to action, “Together for a Period Friendly World,” FAWOI partnered with fellow Civil Society Organizations and NGOs throughout Cameroon’s South-West Region to dismantle the stigma and misconceptions surrounding menstruation.

Focusing on internally displaced teenagers and adolescent girls, as well as hawkers at the Mile 17 and Mile 4 bus stops in Buea and Limbe, and the Dock Yard community in Limbe, our collective efforts ensured that women and girls are empowered to:
- Uphold their menstrual hygiene
- Track and understand their menstrual cycles
- Promote HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness
- Avert unintended pregnancies and promote family planning

A total of 480 sanitary pad packages were distributed, and over 1,000 individuals, including men and boys as supporters and allies in eradicating the myths and stigma linked to menstruation.
The inaugural event on Tuesday, May 28th, was aimed at internally displaced teenage girls and adolescents. The turnout was enriched by the presence of boys and men, eager to learn about menstruation.

The activities peaked on Thursday, May 30th, when we initiated activities within the bustling Limbe Dock Yard community, where a significant gathering of teenagers and women openly shared their experiences and learned from one another about improving menstrual hygiene practices.

The impact and outcomes of these initiatives owe much to the dedication of community mobilizers and our collaborative teams. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our teams, mobilizers, local unions, and quarterheads who contributed to this success. Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to our partners; whose substantial support was pivotal in the execution of the menstrual hygiene project:
- Women Empowerment Forum Cameroon – Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family (WEFC-MINPROFF)
- Cameroonian Association for Community Outreach Initiative (CACOI)
- Legacy Action and Rural Development Initiatives (LARDIN)
- Solidarity Service for Sanitation and Sensitization (SOSESS)
- Pa Chimassa Memorial Foundation (PACMEF)

One Comment
Tankoh Marceline Fegen
Well done FAWOI. All women needs such innovative approaches that support them during their periods.